Office Massage

The Benefits of Office Massage

  • According to a 2009 survey sponsored by Associated Bodywork & massage professional, 81 percent of Americans are as stressed, or more stressed, than they were a year ago.
  • Studies from the Touch Research Institute have shown that massage therapy effectively reduces stress and anxiety by lowering the stress hormone cortisol by up to 53 percent and also increasing levels of serotonin and dopamine (feel good hormones)
  • HR Magazine reports that employees receiving massage therapy at work are more productive and are less likely to take unplanned time off from work.
  • According to the American Institute of Stress, it is estimated that 75 to 90 percent of visits made to primary care doctors in the United States are related to a stress-related illness. You can prevent visits like these by learning to manage and cope with stress.
  • One way is to take good care of your body and mental attitude by getting regular exercise. Another way is to receive massage therapy at a spa or with a specially design chair that can be easily set up at your office, or corporate event. Onsite chair massage effectively calms the nervous system by reducing tension from: Neck, shoulders, upper, mid and lower back which enhance productivity, reduce absenteeism and preserve a healthy Bottom line
  • Give us a call today 646 320-8999. Book us for a minimum of three (3) hours at $105.00 per hour, per therapist. Let us create a wellness program for your staff that will Increase their moral, productivity and a sense of well-being.