As more people realize their benefits, massages are no longer only offered in spas. In fact, they are being offered in hospitals, clinics and even some corporate offices. A massage is performed by pressing and rubbing on skin, stimulating muscles with hands, fingers, elbows or forearms. Many leg and foot massages use reflexology, which means that pressure is put on certain points in order to reduce pain, tension and stress. This is beneficial for those suffering from leg or foot pain, or even those experiencing aching muscles after a long day.
A leg and foot massage can help reduce stress by decreasing the stress hormone cortisol. Decreasing levels of cortisol also helps to boost immunity, because cortisol kills important immunity cells. The power of human touch also helps to reduce stress and anxiety.
Applying pressure to muscles, tendons and ligaments in the legs and feet stimulate chemical changes that reduce pain. Brain chemicals that are related to pain are suppressed, allowing for less dependence on pain medication. The pressure also helps to stimulate weak muscles and reduce cramping, which is especially effective in areas that get a lot of pressure throughout the day, such as legs and feet.
Massaging certain pressure points found on the legs and feet, such as the ankles, can stimulate nerves that regulate blood pressure. Leg and foot massages also help to reduce hypertension, allowing for better overall health and improved circulation, especially in the area being massaged.